I am glad you made that audio.
I am glad you made that audio.
Sounds much cooler than my dance. Very professional and inspiring. Makes me want to learn more.
thanks man! ill check your tune! ive only been doing this 1 year so keep your head up son!
That is just beautiful and inspiring. I hope to be hearing more of your music soon!
More will come, Flash! Thanks for the review! I hope you are doing well!
Peace and love,
Lone X
Ow can I use this for my next animation? I really like it.
Sure, just give credit for the song, and that's totally fine! Glad you like it, too. ^u^
Thank you I will work a new cartoon. You are the best.
Glad you like it. I'll go ahead and leave this around in case you need it again.
This is prefect! I am so impressed.
Best music I ever heard in my life.
Full of magic. I think you did a good job with this audio. Keep up the good work.
Sounds mysterious and I hope I could use this in my next video?
I really like it.
Make every thing art, music cartoons. They are not always the best. I have fun making things. Thanks newgrounds for having me.
fairy tale land
Joined on 7/27/10