Big bad sound
kind of unique I really like the vocals at the end
you did a good job on the composition of this one
Big bad sound
kind of unique I really like the vocals at the end
you did a good job on the composition of this one
Enjoy your music much
your pretty good with your music compositions and music history billie holiday I like the lyrics.
Thanks! I love finding songs this.
this audio is full of character its kind of calm but interesting like something floating in the air or space.
Thank you for your review, it does have some interesting filters and effects in this track ;)
my opinion of this audio
I like this audio it's pretty and it would go nicely in a short nature movie with fairies in it that expresses some type of love that involves lost because it sounds like a beautiful crying sound that is saying my live with you.
dangerous bass
that is an impressive score and deadly awesome sound
worth listening too
when it first start out it sounds kind of like dubstep
I wish you had more of that funky sound in the in the middle of this audio because the end if kind of cool too.
bless up
haha thanks man i just chucked that little funky section in at the end there xD
I feel and hear it
all I can write is
I dig that piano, beat and
unique and kind of fun audio
hope to hear more of your audios with some of your violin sounds and a lot of effects.
I was actually thinking of trying some more strings in my next track, maybe add a bit of an orchastral feel to it! Ill see how I go lol
Thanks for your review!
Make every thing art, music cartoons. They are not always the best. I have fun making things. Thanks newgrounds for having me.
fairy tale land
Joined on 7/27/10